Merino & Me
These beautiful booties are full of nostalgic charm. They have been hand knitted in New Zealand from 100% pure merino wool.
When we were born our mum was fortunate enough to have been given an abundance of hand knitted baby items for us from family and friends. Over time knitting has sadly become less and less common. But mum has kept all these treasured pieces for us.
When Fergus was born he came home from the hospital wearing and pair of handed down knitted booties, knitted by his great Grandma. These booties were over 30 years old.
Hand knitted booties are hard to find these days. These gorgeous booties have been lovingly knitted by a family friend of ours in pure merino wool and we guarantee you will find them as special as we do.
The booties are a pretty soft blue colour with a rolled rib collar.
Merino & Me
These beautiful booties are full of nostalgic charm. They have been hand knitted in New Zealand from 100% pure merino wool.
When we were born our mum was fortunate enough to have been given an abundance of hand knitted baby items for us from family and friends. Over time knitting has sadly become less and less common. But mum has kept all these treasured pieces for us.
When Fergus was born he came home from the hospital wearing and pair of handed down knitted booties, knitted by his great Grandma. These booties were