How Merino wool can make your life just that tiny bit better during the COVID-19 pandemic

Posted by Harri Baillie on

It is such a strange world we are living in currently. The endless stream of COVID-19 updates and governmental changes have caused so much fear and confusion. With the slowing of (or closing of) many businesses in both Australia and New Zealand, the way we go about our day to day activities has started to change drastically. 

Here at Merino & Me HQ, we are well aware of the advantages of incorporating Merino wool into our wardrobe - for some of us, it is all we wear no matter the temperature or season! Below is a list of just some of the reasons we love the stuff and how it is making our life during the pandemic just that tiny bit easier:

  1. Merino wool is quick-drying - We know how much babies like to create a mess. Doing several loads of laundry a day is probably a reality for most parents with young kidlets. With government recommendations that people should stay indoors (through social distancing and self quarantining), access to laundromats and outdoor washing lines have become difficult for many families. All our clothes are machine washable and fast drying, saving on the amount of time clothes are left on clothing horses and taking up precious room in your home.  
  2. Our clothing is made out of high quality materials - All our garments are made with high quality materials. Clothes made with Merino wool will stay soft and comfortable no matter how many times they are washed or the number of times they are handed down. Basically, it is the perfect attire for lounging around home. 
  3. Merino wool is better for the environment - We have all seen on the TV the improvements to the canals in Italy and the air quality in China as a result of reduced human activity. It has highlighted to the world how significantly human consumption and activity negatively impacts the environment we live in. It has never been so critical to become a conscious consumer and focus on protecting the environment for future generations. Merino wool is fully renewable and bio-degradable. The natural proteins will completely break down into organic carbon and return to the environment. This is opposed to synthetics that release hundreds of thousands of micro-plastics into our water supplies just by being washed in your machine! These micro-plastics make their way into the ocean and end up being accumulated in all levels of the food chain. 
  4. Merino wool is light weight - With the warmer months behind us and winter fast approaching, it is important to keep your mini me warm, comfortable and super snuggley. Due to the increased amount of time we will all be spending indoors, dressing your baby in Merino wool will guarantee they stay warm but not create the bulk that would be caused by layering cotton and synthetic fabrics. 

Lastly, the government changes and rules are being felt most by small, local businesses. By purchasing from Merino & Me, you are directly supporting small, local businesses. All our suppliers are based out of Australia or New Zealand. They are mums and dads relying on income from their business to feed their families and keep them safe. Sadly, the virus does not appear to be slowing down any time soon and as time goes on, governments will no doubt enforce stricter rules and regulations governing which businesses are allowed to remain open. It has never been a better time to support the Little Guys. By staying indoors and buying online, you are helping to slow the spread of the virus and also helping people in your community earn an income. 

As usual, we are here to answer any questions you may have and will be posting any updates regarding any potential postage delays. 

Stay safe,

Merino & Me xo

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